Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wii Sports I Sported

You know what? I've been playing Wii Sports for the last hour and I have to say: this is a wonderful game, and it's lots of fun, and ultimately I don't need to play it again. I'm starting to remember I played this quite a bit when I first got my Wii. It was the only game I had for a while there, and I still remember the moves. I can tell you that the best games are bowling and golf. Boxing is good for some aerobic exercise and tennis is fun. Baseball is meh. 

But seriously, I played this enough and even revisiting it was lots of fun, but I feel alright with moving on to WipeOut HD. 

And no, I'm not just doing it because WipeOut is the last game on my list...

Wii Fit... Yeah, Wii Fit!

So the next game is Wii Fit. I know what you're thinking: "You can't beat Wii Fit." Well, you ain't thinking anything I haven't thought of first. I still have a plan, mister smarty pants!

There's 30 exercises and a number of games on this thing and the point is to work your body. Well the thing keeps track of how many times you've played each game, and all I have to do is set a goal. My goal will be to play Wii Fit between 20 and 30 minutes a day and play every exercise, yoga pose, and aerobics exercise at least 20 times. I can do it after work! So there! I may even keep it up after I finish my goal. God knows I complain about not having time to go to the gym. So that's the plan!

And while I'm doing that, I'll get started on Wii Sports, too, just cause I can!

Wario Land: Shake It!

Ok, mark this game done!
It's a satisfying platformer, but not much more than that. The mechanics can be clever, and there's certainly some depth to finding the hidden rooms, but I will not be going for a 100% right now. Time to move on to the next game on the list, which is, oddly enough, Wii Fit. Time to charge some batteries for that balance board...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Warioland Shake It Is a Fun Game

I started playing this a couple weeks ago. This game doesn't make much sense but it is fun. 

Wario gets sent to a magical world that is a globe. He travels via telescope to different continents on the globe. He's not doing it out of altruism. He's in it for the money, which is classic Wario. 

This is a pretty solid platformer with pretty animations and backgrounds. I'm not worrying too much about all the treasures and achievements at the time. I kinda want to just get it done. Why? Check an alphabet man! I'm on W after what? 3 years? God, I don't even remember how long it's been. I'll have to go look at past posts. But anyway, the end of the alphabetic challenge is so close I can taste it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Oh My Dear God This Is So Bad!

This is terrible.


Ok, I sense some expect me to elaborate. Very well.

This is really terrible.

Oh, more?

This is an alternate history first person shooter where the Nazis invade the US when Churchill died getting hit by a taxi when he was a young man.

This is an uninspired first person shooter. There's a ton of lame blimps. Bad control. Bad voice acting. Crappy visuals. You don't have to take my word for it.

Did I beat this? Hell no! It took less than 20 minutes for me to see how terrible this is. I'm not even going to sell this. I'm dropping this off at Goodwill and crossing my fingers nobody pays more than a dollar for it. I'm just glad I paid next to nothing for this, since it came with my PS3 when I got it off craigslist.

Peace, moving on.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Oh Hey, Whatddaya Know?

I was down to one more planet on Superstardust HD last time when I'd decided to move on. Last night I fired it up and finished that last planet. Yay!

Up next, the mediocre reviewed Turning Point: Fall of Liberty for PS3.